
Donations/bequests to Self-Realization Fellowship Church

Self-Realization Fellowship Church, a worldwide, tax-exempt, nonprofit religious organization incorporated in the State of California, with its international headquarters in Los Angeles, California, USA (“SRF”), is qualified as an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, i.e. public-benefit corporation), by the Dutch tax authorities.

RSIN number: 823974807

ANBI has a number of benefits: an ANBI-organization does not have to pay gift or inheritance tax. 


Under certain conditions, gifts can be deducted from the income tax. 

There are two kinds of gifts:

  • one time gifts
  • recurring gifts

You will find more detailed information about donating to an ANBI on the website of the Dutch tax authorities ( 

Bequest or Legacy  by will

  • If you want to bequeath money to SRF in your will, it must be registered by a notary.
  • For information how to support SRF, please click this link.

 For questions and extensive information please contact:

Self-Realization Fellowship
Office of Planned Giving
3880 San Rafael Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Tel: 00-1-323-276-5656

Transferring money to SRF :

Telephone number contact person in NL:

0031 (0)6 5183 6978

ANBI information
Name of the organization: Self-Realization Fellowship Church.
RSIN-number: 823974807.
Postal address: 3880 San Rafael Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90065, USA.
Aims See the Self-Realization Fellowship website:
Board of Directors: See the Self-Realization Fellowship website:
Names of directors: Being a religious organization SRF is exempt from the duty to publish.
Remuneration policy: The directors do not receive salaries.
Report of activities:See the Self-Realization Fellowship website:
Financial account: Being a religious organization SRF is exempt from the duty to publish.
List of income and expenses:
The total amount of income received from The Netherlands by Self-Realization Fellowship Church in Los Angeles in 2023: Please click here to see the amount (scroll down again after clicking)
The expenses Self-Realization Fellowship Church incurred in the Netherlands in 2023: None.
The 2023 income SRF received from The Netherlands consists of donations/bequests from members In 2023 no specific expenses were made for The Netherlands.